My Birthday

I can’t help it. I love birthdays – I’m weird about getting old (sometimes I love it, sometimes I hate it) but I really like doing things for my birthday.
I particularly enjoyed baking my birthday cake today. Coffee, chocolate, four layers! Lately one of my favourite things has been spending time with DS Luke, he’s very nice to have a cuppa and gossip with.

Today I’ve also been planning out a session of an ongoing roleplaying game that I’ve been running. I realised just how much I’d written for a game about the geopolitics of the situation, the attitudes within different governments to the supernatural and a whole variety of things that are very little to do with the campaign directly. I am considering the notion that I’ve reached the stage as a GM that I could run an ongoing campaign without a fixed end-date.

I’m not sure. In anycase, tonight I have a Magic the Gathering game (technically that’s work) and tomorrow a kareoke gathering.

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