All posts by mish

End of Year Meme

1.What did you do in 2023 that you’d never done before? Got turned in a vampire LARP! Took meds for ADHD Got qualified in Oncology Massage. 2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I did and I will, it gives me good focus 3. Did anyone … Read More


I love Yuletide, I just absolutely love it, all the things to share with people and make joyful in the middle of the cold. Last year I just couldn’t connect with it, I don’t think I’d quite realised that I was heavily dissociated from everything this time last year, I just knew I was sad … Read More

A Social LARP

I’m managing to have more fun when it comes to Sigehold socials and social Empire roleplay but they are absolutely the thing that has written large to my psyche quite how disconnected I was feeling. The wild disassociation of a mental break is like nothing I’ve experienced previously but negotiating what part of my psyche … Read More