Mice, men and Mishes whatever we plan can and will, often it seems, quite deliberately go astray.
Honestly if I listened to the voices inside my head I’d believe that everything I do contributed to the going astray of all plans everywhere. So, with my fantastic underwear, new boots (ooooh such lovely brown hiking boots with heels up to here!) and new trousers I totally buggered up a date leaving the front door unlocked while, unbeknownst to me my housemates were out; stresed over sinks, bowties, washing up, burnt garlic bread and mouldy pasta.
Everything stresses me out now. And on top of yesterday I discover that I have an observation next week. I’ve asked for one of the teachers to observe me tommorrow as practice. Which means a hell of a lot of work tonight and lots and lots of work on Sunday. And I’d hoped to play with my housemates again. I’d better get to see the Orange when he gets back or Mish will not be happy.
I have a year eight class after lunch and they’re stressing me too! Not a happy Mish at all today. Grrr.
Sorry, I read: ‘everything I do contributed to the going astray of all plans’ as: ‘everything I do contributed to the going *ashtray* of all plans.’
You’ll be thankful to know that it made more sence the second time 🙂
Well at least you didn’t suspect I was insulting you!