Today we all had skiing lessons before the final festive meal in the evening. The Bonsai Kaiju and Britney go each week to the Dry Slope near them so they were well away and The Smol Dragon relished having his own teacher so he was well away too. In fact given he’s only had a taster session at the dry slope I was really impressed with how well he just went for it with snowplough turns and going up and down the slopes with his teacher.
The Tiny Yokai wasn’t so into it, she did about twenty minutes with her teacher as long as The Princess was with her but then she was done so I took her for a hot chocolate until the others finished.
Then it was time for The Princess and I, I had been worried about the chronic fatigue in relation to the skiing, I had rather forgotten something else. See in Japan I snowboarded and in my head that was because The Japanese Teacher had gifted me her son’s old snowboard. This is true, but also the position you adopt for skiing is one that puts pressure on the hips, and I had clean forgotten that whole pelvic injury thing. Yeah after a day of skiing I really hadn’t. I couldn’t even manage the blue slopes The Princess went up and I was a bit gutted about that.
On the other hand it meant I stayed back with Britney and the kids and saw THE FUNNIEST THING. Tiny Yokai who’d done twenty minutes of positions but not much actual skiing decided she wanted to show off to her dad. So she got him to take her up the tiny lift on the beginner area and basically just skied for him. Because of course she did.

Anyway we headed back to the cabin to get changed for the Festive Finale. We ended up following tiny fires into the forest near where we had fed the reindeer the other day. My hip was agony going up those stairs. Still there were competitions and sing a longs which were ok and the food was nice enough. The real awesome thing though was the fireworks after, cause it’s the first solstice in forever I’ve not done anything for and The Princess has this pact of silence when it comes to anything pagan/magic/similar. But there were fireworks and it was excellent.
Then on the drive home we saw a wild reindeer in the fir trees and just everything was ok with the world.