Category Archives: Family

Le Weekend Dernier

Le week-end dernier, je suis allée à une boum! Mais, c’est ne pas correct. J’ai organisé une fête! C’etait en ligne. J’ai utilisé Discord et j’aime bien les resultes. Beaucoup des personnes attendes et j’ai été surpris parce que c’est un peu difficile d’assister d’une soirée enligne. Ma soeur et new neveux attends avec mon … Read More


Some days I am better than others. Dad is gone and everything I didn’t manage to do and tell him about some days hits hard. Some days it puts me into his back patio one summer’s day talking about his grief for his Dad. I had longer with him than he had with his Dad. … Read More

I Miss My Dad

Since Dad got ill with pre-Leukaemia and then myeloid leukaemia I’ve been incredibly conscious that any given interaction could be our last. Every phone call that I made, every visit. I really focussed on things I wanted to make sure I told him, like really big life things. And I was aware of what I … Read More

A Rural Funeral During A Pandemic

My Dad died last month, on the 22nd April. It was heart failure due to his leukaemia on top of an underlying heart condition, but because the UK is in the middle of lockdown it’s taken this long for us to have a funeral. That and last week there was a point we wondered if … Read More