I Don’t Wanna!

I seem to be in a stampy feet sort of mood. I don’t wanna go to school next week. I don’t wanna!

I got another rejection letter.

This earching for work lark, considering people keep complaining that this country is short of teachers seems to be harder than I was expecting…in that I thought I might get an interview, just one…please! Before getting rejected.

Career interview tommorow…I need to get out of this place. I need to get out of England. The world is here and its pulling me and sucking me and I need to start running, probably now.

I know, I chose this course. I know, I chose to stay here. I know…its just that I need to go. I need to run away for a bit. A lot.

4 thoughts on “I Don’t Wanna!

  1. wow. I feel like that every day. I don’t wanna! Everything from waking up, to getting dressed, to actually going places, right through to going to bed…

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