Cthulhu Cthulhu Cthulhu….any minute now I’m gonna start chanting about Hastur, oh well Carcosa here I come…I am so tired. And tonight; exactly the same thing on the menu. At least I don’t have to teach 9A on Saturday!
Nothing more to report except that this site is being a pain again, apparently it’s down to the main webserver thingumy…hmmm well it’d be nice not to have to worry about the site going down and popping up for a few seconds every so often.
I would blog more about the Duty of Care and Risk Assessments but really it’d bore you all to tears. Although oddly enough I find it strangely comforting…something is deffinately wrong with me…it’s probably this teaching lark although My Favourite Uncle would only call me old again and Mr Swainson would agree. Bastards!
Must, not, mention, naughty, tentacles…