I feel like I belong to the 21st century. When my boyfriend complains about the commute to work he is sitting in the same room as me and is describing the seconds it takes the internet to connect to his work box.
So today was good, I cycled to the bank to get the last dregs of my pay packet…having a Jellicle is an expensive business!
Loads of people said Happy Birthday to me and the cute student of mine in the Vietnamese restaurant said Happy New Year (in English)….awwwww I don’t want one still, but I will admit that some children are cute. I just don’t think I met any in Britain who were!
Skimble is absolutely knackered and crashed out in my flat before we go to the onsen tommorrow, nope, my most modest of lovers is of course not up for public nudity.
Well, if you will feed him salmon and cream every day…
Did I say *feed* him cream…? Well, you know what I meant, right? 😉
Lexie! I’m almost shocked at your implications…
Lexie Lexie Lexie. You shock me you really do.