What a Weekend!

For a weekend that included panicked phone calls in the pouring rain, tyre-eating potholes and an AA van breaking down it was surprisingly good.

Started out with our LURPS pub quiz team, Off The Straight And Narrow, coming second. Who would have guessed that Astrophysicist, The Steampunk Cosplayer, Martial Artist and I would make such a good team? TSC grabbed a mug and I got the two t-shirts I regretted missing – so pretty good really.

Most of Saturday can die in a fire for the reasons given above but in the evening I cooked for No Nickname and Neuroscience Boobs and then there was a lot of gin, and I mean a lot. I’m not entirely sure at what point getting my tits out became a good idea but at least I wasn’t the only one, and frankly I reckon I had the better view.

There were probably points I got a little too frank but I regret nothing.

Then today surrounded my Dungrons and Dragons game and The Jellicle bought me flowers and doughnuts when she came back from Durham because yesterday had been rubbish. Messaging DS Luke whilst watching Queer Eye rounded the whole day out. Here’s hoping next week ends up as good.

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