Happy Place

I am in my happy place, one of them anyway, one that is a state of mind that I haven’t been in for a long time. I’m in a bar, surrounded by people who I know and I have had several conversations tonight about roleplay, talked tech with a guy and drunk a couple of cocktails, one of which I had bought for me.
Another friend who does not nearly know me well enough made jokes (which I loved) about my vagina by way of introducing me to the table, I have not felt so at home in this way in a while.
And now, I’m writing, surrounded by noise and movement, like I haven’t done since The Dark Side club nights had me alternating writing in the corner of a club and dancing to McBain’s tunes.

There is something that flows about being surrounded by people I feel like I know in a bar something that makes me want to dance and write and just feel this whole thing.

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