Opening presents in bed is something The Jellicle and I like to do. One of the reasons I was pretty sad about her being ill was not being able to do that, we approximated it though, with FaceTime. Isn’t living in the future fantastic?

Mum got me a lovely bag and The Jellicle found me a better microphone than I’ve been using. Imo got me liqueur chocolates which frankly were an excellent shout.
I loved opening the cards too. I like a good card.

I had reggae reggae sauce on my open bacon sandwich, then I spent my day gently playing with things. The Riddling Gatekeeper hung out with me in the park after I’d appreciated the meerkats and then later I headed to The Cave for my party.
My party was low key, about as much as I could handle and partly dictated by where I was holding it. We played Jackbox games and made waaay too many Epstein jokes. It was what I needed. Weasel and DS Luke both rocked gifts – Brazilian coffee and dice with bees and flowers in!
I do miss the Jellicle though.