Its been one of those weeks, I haven’t been able to access my page to be able to update but it really really has been one of those weeks.
I was the subject of grafitti in the boys toilets today (well presumably the grafitti was done before today) it said ‘Miss Liddel is fit’ and there was a crude depiction of supposedly me performing a rather awkward looking blow job. The artist would not have got a grade if he’d been in one of my lessons. Bugger couldn’t even spell my name right. Anyway this meant that the grafitti was the subject of the staff meeting this morning (somewhat embarassing) and I was escorted to the boys toilets to see if I recognised the handwriting or the picture (more cringeworthy and why do boys toilets always smell so bad?!)
Personally I suspect the year eleven’s who were making much innuendo in my class the other day. On the upside it means that it’s not just the chesty blondes that teenage boys fancy; perhaps there is hope – teenage boys have fantasies about flat-chested brunettes wearing jumpers as well! On the other hand I’m beginning to wonder if my pheremones are screaming ‘sex’ all the time. It’s like Archangel’s belief that I cause orgies…conversations about sex spring up around me and I swear I don’t start them!
So anyway, I’m working like stink to prepare for my observation, happening on Thursday and have discovered that I have seven players all signed up for my game…and it’s happening off campus; ah well these things happen, the Railway street guys have offered their living room…all experienced role-players seven of them…my second game as GM with a system I’ve hacked about somewhat…oh dear…oh dear…oh dear. I wish Cornish Bloke hadn’t mentioned the statted whores!
So I’m going to continue with my evaluations and popping bubble wrap out of sheer frustration. And blush to think that I had to turn around and write on the board to stop myself laughing when a very sweet twelve year old said, of the cat on my apron; ‘Miss, I like your pussy’.
erm, if I remember rightly, the Cornish Bloke wasn’t there to mention that… I can’t rightly remember who did, mind you…
Hey, its free publicity…and I only told a few people. I missed the meeting.
Always a pleasure to serve, directly or indirectly though…
I think it was Shere Khan actually… He did most of the blurb IIRC
It was someone next to the JCat. Where the cornish bloke would usually be.
And it probably is the pheramones. Or have you ever considered that you might have the winning combination of nice personality and good body?
You may be relieved to know that I’ve changed my mind, I won’t be joining you game as Fluzz wants sleep on Tuesdays. 🙂
They smell so bad because urinals are an incredibly unhygienic form of sanitation.
First off, there’s no water to dilute the urine, so the smell’s stronger. They only flush every 5-15 minutes or so.
Secondly, there’s the pissing itself. Spraying into water cushions the impact and minimises the vaporous piss that mushrooms up from the impact. Spraying against a metal or ceramic surface causes the piss to rebound in a sizeable cloud of vapour.
Boys of primary-secondary school age also have a habit of seeing how high they can piss, and revelling in the power of their penis (pissing contests, in other words). The higher the trajectory, the further the spray is from the bowl-shape of the urinal, and so more vapour escapes.
In trough urinals, they spray from side-to-side to cause near-misses on the guy at the other end and force him to duck back. This causes excess vapour and, of course, introduces the risk of drippage.
The clouds of vapour eventually settle on the floor, where they are walked through and trodden all over the place, which is why, particularly in winter when there’s mud and rainwater being brought in from outside, the floor in the boys’ toilets is slick with grimy "water".
Hope this was an enlightening foray into the sick and twisted mind of an eleven-to-fourteen-year-old.
P.S. Are you sure that twelve-year-old was very sweet, or just had a poker face? This is the age where you have to ask for "an eraser", because "rubber" is a rude word.
Its also the age where you turn round to congratulate your mates semi-audibly coz ‘Miss’ didn’t notice what you said…believe me, much to my amazement no one noticed and the kid in question is one of the strange religious types we have at my school
From a friend of a friend’s journal:
"Had some GCSE students giving oral responses to Macbeth today. One child, a lovely, intelligent, earnest ESOL lad, told me very sincerely that in Act 1 Scene V11, Lady Macbeth is playing with Macbeth’s manhood."