Military Intelligence

Why is it the military are employing the scariest people I know?

In the case of Psi from school last I heard the MOD were employing him to do something chemical….I can’t imagine anyone I would less like to see employed by the MOD doing ‘something chemical’…

And then theres Scary Bloke. To quote from my latest MSN conversation:

Scary Bloke says:
an am in militery intelligence, ta
Scary Bloke says:
lots of fun, but dam busy too lol
Mish says:
military intelligence?
Scary Bloke says:
yup, satalite sevalence and prisoner interogation, to mention what i’m allowed to lol
Mish says:
I think I’m terrified of the idea of you doing that
Scary Bloke says:
well ur scared of me anyway lol
Mish says:
true enough
Scary Bloke says:
plus i find the sevalence stuff fun, ain’t done the interogation training yet, but should be fun lol
Scary Bloke says:
gives me something to do on the wkends lol

Why oh why do the military employ the people I find scariest?
Still I guess if soldiers were warm and fuzzy people they wouldn’t make very good soldiers…probably.

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