The dangers of writing lesson plans late at night are the typos that crep into your work. On the other hand I managed to get other paperwork pretty much sorted out, ie. the JET program stuff seems to be going ok. I just need to find out why I don’t have flight details when I am apparently supposed to already have them….
Ok now that was synchronous timing (is that a word?) JET just rang back to tell me that the handbook is produced for JETs across the world and that English JETs don’t get their flight details in May…but nevertheless the hadnbook tells us all: flight details in May…oh well. I can count to a thousand in Japanese…not sure how useful that is on the other hand I will be paid in the millions so maybe it is more useful than I thought.
Yes thats millions of Yen not pounds!
I am very excited about going to Japan I keep wondering if any of my teaching aids might be useful over their. I wonder if my mind is trying to distract me from the ievitable test next week and examination etc. I keep having my mind try to think about proper work and it keeps sliding off at tangents to talk to itself about Japan and paper and typos instead…
Just wanted to wish you a happy solstice (sorry I’m 24 hours late, but I haven’t been in reach of a computer). All the best.
Thanks John. Happy Solstice to you too!