Why There Are Still Reasons For Feminism

This is the statement/appeal that Women Living Under Muslim Laws is
taking to the World Social Forum in Porto Alegre and to the Feminist
Dialogues that will immediately precede the Forum. It draws attention to the
unholy alliance between a growing number of anti-globalisation
activists, human rights activists, and progressive people in the West in
general, with Muslim fundamentalists, and the gradual abandonment of
progressive democratic forces from within Muslim countries and communities
which are made invisible.

The statement/appeal can also be found on the WLUML website at:

In solidarity,

Women Living Under Muslim Laws international solidarity network
WLUML statement to the World Social Forum – Appeal Against
21/01/2005: There is no such thing as the ‘clash of civilizations’: the
clash in the world today is between fascists and antifascists. (WLUML)

The rise of fundamentalisms is part and parcel of the rise of extreme
right movements and of the expansion of liberal pro-capitalist politics
in the world today. This includes Muslim fundamentalism which is the
specific context of our lived reality.

For more than two decades, women have identified fundamentalisms as
political forces from the Right and the extreme-Right working under the
guise of religion and culture — rather than the religious and spiritual
movements they pretend to be. The present influence of Christian
fundamentalism on the politics of the USA, and the rise of terrorist policies
and acts in the name of

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