So tonight for the first time in ages I’ve left my Japanese lesson practically singing. My Japanese Teacher says she thinks I might even be ready to take the Level Three Japanese test in December (I was aiming for Level Four – they go in reverse order).
And the reason things went so well tonight? It was a reading and writing lesson. I love to read, doesn’t matter what language, there is something about the written word that makes me go YES! This I can do. It always has, ever since I learnt to read in English. Now I’ll admit that Japanese is different from English in that its pictures not sounds but I still have the obsession with the parts of the picture that I have for the parts of the word in English, I think that it impressed my teacher that though I didn’t know the word parking lot I recognised the kanji bits for horse, car and place!
Unfortunately the test in December is speaking and listening as well as reading and writing, those I’m not so good at…
The test is reading, writing and listening only, no speaking. However, I barely passed Level 3 after 2 years of college Japanese and 3 months in Kyoto (like 64% and you only need a 60 to pass). You need to know 300 kanji and grammar that includes transitive and instransitive verbs….which are a BITCH!
Or is this another test we are talking about?
Well I know 150 kanji at the moment. And yes it is the same level three test we’re talking about, the grammar I don’t have.