I’m really enjoying having people over for Christmas, we’re doing all the things that I hear about people doing over Christmas but I haven’t actually done before. Leeds Bird and the Clean Cut Boyfriend joined us in a mad game of monopoly (which of course Mum won given that shes a born game player – I must teach her Go, she’ll love it). We played some more charades with them and my Aunty, Uncle and Cousin Emma and her boyfriend.
This morning I went out (partly so I didn’t have to socialise with my family I admit) to Somerby over the fields, it was so relaxing just walking under a Lincolnshire sky, theres nothing as big I swear, so big and clear and all enfolding and it’s best with a light hue, like a big fluffy blanket. I went and talked to Lucy as I haven’t done since I got back. Talking to Lucy used to be something that made me feel really good whilst I was in sixth form (yes the Leeds Bird is now reading over my shoulder!) and it felt really nice to go out and do it again. The walk also sobered me up for the first time in about three/four days! Anyway I had a good chat to Lucy and the Jellicle Cat rang as did last NS so I got to gossip a bit in the middle of the muddy fields and in front of the cows. (The Leeds Birds has now vanished)
Apparently I’m supposed to get ready to go out now. The poor old Clean Cut Boyfriend has to meet the Da Bitches next… hehehe. Well I shall judge him on the ability to handle what will not quite be the full force of Da Bitches given that the Brownie is stuck down south, Curls has taken up with someone unsuitable and the Traveller seems to have finished her lesbian phase and is somewhere in Germany. In anycase, after my walk and my sobering I’m about ready to hit the pubs in Brigg and see whether everything is suddenly the same or totally different from how it used to be.
Now, whatever will I wear?
Hey Mish, glad to hear you had a good time with family! thank you for my giftage! i have a card and a lil giftage for you back at my flat! i shall pass it on to tony to pass onto you, i hope your good 🙂 xx
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!! And I love my boots! I have Hello Kitty on my phone now! Yeay! Segoi kawaii!