I’m having a sad day.
For the record I don’t feel like I’m particularly good company very often. In fact I often feel as if I’m inflicting myself on people, making them put up with me when I want to be somewhere. I have a history of inflicting myself for too long on people until they get fed up of me and I am all too aware of this and I’m just waiting for everyone to turn around and say ‘Mish just piss off will you?’
Also it annoys me that I cry so much. Ended up in tears twice today for absolutely no reason.
Like I said, sad day.
That’s exactly how I feel when I’m on a downswing in my depressive patterns… *hugs Mish*
I think it’s just a confidence and self esteem blip.
You’re much loved and I find it hard to think of anyone who was wish for you to "just piss off".
#Just smiles at you, and hugs#
Aside from the crying bit, that more or less sums up my down days as well. 🙁
(I save the crying for extra-special occasions…)