RIP Anne Rice

Everyone who likes vampires has a book or a film that really kicked that off. I think I usually claim Dracula and Coppola. But really, my inner twelve year old wanted to be Claudia from Interview with a Vampire and I read every single one of the Vampire chronicles until I was nineteen.

I think that takes us up to Blood and Gold and Pandora who swiftly became a favourite character supplanting my Louis vs Lestât arguments.

“What a ride you took us on kid” was apparently what her sister said to her, and oh how gloriously messy the ride was. She was awful to fanfic writers, everything with Christianity was just… I have no words for it, but at the end of the day didn’t she leave all of us just a little in love with Lestât?

Thankyou for putting that horrific bad boy out there in amidst the vampires, there’s no one written since that even competes.

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