Yoga and My Butt

My extra resolution this year, about my fashion choices, is to dress to show off that I have a great arse. I am completely unashamed about how excellent my arse is and about saying it for one very simple reason – waaaaaay back in 2003 or maybe 2002 when I lived in the webcam house I saw a screenshot of a nude woman in the jacuzzi room and immediately thought that one of my housemates had a really hot ass.

About two hours later I realised it was a screenshot of me. So I was determined to own the fact that objectively I thought my own arse was hot. I was twenty at the time and the small, cute butt I had then is not the same as the forty-one year old butt with extra junk in it’s trunk that I have now. However, it’s still pert as fuck for all the extra wobble and I’m really enjoying the affect the yoga has on it. given that it’s always been the pertness I’ve enjoyed about it over thé squishy wobble that yogic maintenance of pert is hugely enjoyable.

Some friends of mine joke about getting 20% hotter if you’ve done your morning yoga, my ass is absolutely maintaining it’s pert sexy self with every down dog and warrior pose. I guess I’m a little worried about the weight loss (mostly still prospective at this point) and of course time taking away my hot ass but I figure that will be ok if I enjoy every moment that I’ve still got it.

If you have made it through this incredibly self-indulgent waffle that is almost literally up my own butt then congratulations! You have read a woman in her forties celebrating her own satisfaction with a part of her body! Not only that but I’m on the look at for a mini-skirt because I don’t actually own one and I think I’d like to by next Christmas.

I do very much love the skin I’m in even if it needs a million painkillers and supplements to make it work.

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