Tag Archives: LGBTQI

Day 25 – The LGBT slur you hate most or if you’ve taken back a slur and used it as a definition, ie queer or fag.

The one I’ve taken back has to be Queer. I am lucky in that as a cis-woman i don’t really get the really bad slurs hurled at me, I never have. I’ve had, what, the odd ‘lesbo’ over the years. Dyke too. But I guess whereas Queer I’ve taken back almost by default I’ve deliberately … Read More

Day 24 – The stupidest argument/comment you’ve heard about gay people or an LGBT issue

Stupid? Sort of, more, usually deployed in a dishonest/disingenuous way. The claim that ‘cis’ is a slur. People who are talking about trans people being themselves are promoting an ideological agenda are usually themselves wrapped up in their own ideology. The point is, the more we have words for something the better we can discuss … Read More

Day 19 – Butch or Femme?

In the nineties there was this weird thing in the adolescent/early twenties lesbian community, certainly around Manchester and online, of how you weren’t supposed to be butch or femme because that was mimicking heterosexual sexual/relationship norms. Androgyny was the thing in the nineties and noughties, a lot of us queer girls went through non-binary phases … Read More

Day 18 – Something about the LGBTQ community you don’t understand or have a question about.

I think there are an awful lot of things about people generally that I don’t understand and that absolutely goes for our lovely Quiltbag too. However, I think one thing that I continue to be amazed by and want to know about is how did you manage to get yourself out there before it was … Read More