Pies and Brownies and Cake Oh My

It’s CF’s birthday next week, and I’m going to go to London to celebrate it. I promised him a pie at some point but have no chance to make it, I may have time to make a cake or brownies or something. I thought about buying him a pie from Potts but to be honest I don’t know when I’m going to get in there again.
I am determined however to bake him something. This weekend is weirdly busy however.
I’m not sure how driving in London will work out, I am both excited and terrified.
I’m glad I met BBF last year but I’ve never met in person CF or GermanLu, both of whom will be there next week. There will be a show and drinks at a bar and then a LARP.
I haven’t seen this many strangers all together in a long time, but I’m excited for it. And to be honest I like this length of drive. London has me nervous though.

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