Oh Yeah… Vampire

I’m one day into a three day vampire game and struck by the same thing I always forget when it comes to Vampire.

Vampire is not a horror game, it has some of the set dressing, sometimes its pitch crosses over but at base it is a political game, not a horror game.

I’m playing a horror character again and getting a bit drawn into the politics, because essentially it’s just VIP on steroids and I know how to play VIP. I’ve spent most of today clutching Betraying Best Friend which has been nice, she’s playing my sister this time around and in any case it’s I who have betrayed her… kinda… the aim is that comes out tomorrow.

Time in is 4pm to 3am which is only slightly killing me and I haven’t made it in any case but I’m enjoying the atmosphere and being a human amongst vampires and I’m very much enjoying playing with BBF and Canadian Foodie.

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